Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A (Stray Indian) Dog's Life

This is a scene of somewhere close to my house in Ahmedabad (Gujarat), India.  "Street Dogs" are an interesting concept in India.  They are stray dogs who no one owns, and they live on the street.  They mark their own neighborhoods and are usually fed lazy by the residents.  Usually harmless, these dogs provide a funny addition to the city landscape.  The only difficult moments arise when some berserk dog tries to attack the people, and that one is then rounded off by the municipality.

These dogs are lazing around on the sand in the winter sun.  Totally impervious to the road they lie in peace, basking themselves to glory.  

I recollect discussions I've had with friends in the USA when I used to live there, and it was almost impossible for me to explain what stray / street dogs are.  The concept of having dogs owned by nobody was totally alien to them.  But to me, its a way of life. 

So well, this is a Dog's Life in India. Any takers???  
If you're interested, you can write to one of these dogs at stray.peanuts@indianstraydogs.com :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome, i like indian culture, i like how they respect animals and they don't eat cows. Shows a lot of mercy