Friday, August 10, 2007

Men No Pause - Father at age 90 !!!

My first hint came from watching an MTV Cribs featuring Hugh Hefner, where they guy aged 70+ years has a kid who is in his teens. So came the thought in my brain - What age until when a man is still fertile ??

I asked a Dr who told me there is age is no factor for men's fertility, only age. Well, here is a scoop I found in this thought process..

Today's newspaper talks about Nanu Ram Jogi, a 90 year old Indian whose wife bore him a baby!! And this child is indeed, his own!!

Jogi married his own daughter in law when his son died, leaving a young widow. In rural India, a young widow finds herself on the edge of being socially ostracized, and Jogi didn't want her to suffer. This act has led to him fathering a child with a girl 60 years younger to him.

Not commenting on the state of affairs in rural India pertaining to social laws, I keep myself to only happily wondering at the age of men's fertility. Hmmm.. and at 28, people are telling me I should get married and have kids asap, or it'll be too late. Is it, really, is it? :)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Incomplete List of Indian 7 Wonders...

How much ever stupid I find this whole exercise of voting to decide the Seven Wonders is, it still is.

So well, today were declared the results of the Indian 7 wonders voting. Surprisingly, the Indian wonder in the global list -the Taj, makes it to only No. 3. This surely shows the hidden treasures of India; the magnificent sights and structures which the world is yet unknown to. So much tourism is yet possible, so many stories are yet to be shared.

The currently voted list is:

Shravanbelagola Temple (Jain place of worship)
Golden Temple (Sikh place of worship)
Taj Mahal (Mausoleum)
Hampi (14th Century ruins)
Konark (Sun God Temple)
Nalanda (World's first residential university)
Khajuraho (Hindu and Jain temples with erotic scuplture)

And even this list of 7 Indian wonders, misses out on a tonne of wonders and magnificent structures. I think we need a state wise 7 wonders list in this country of 28 states, to atleast be able to do a tinge of justice to the magnificence that lays strewn across India.

Never can be possible to find a wonder of wonders in a wonder that is India, really!