Friday, July 08, 2005

This Man Will Do Anything For A Man...

A man chopped off his wife's nose (ouuuuchh!) coz she was pregnant with a girl child yet again!  Another one shot a bullet in his wife's stomach for a 3rd pregnancy, again with a girl child.  Uttar Pradesh (north Indian state) does it again!!  I wonder when will these states grow out of their ignorances and step to face reality.
You know, it is the man that's gene is responsible for the child being a girl or a boy.  But in a land where a man thinks a kangaroo must be some kind of a song, what do you expect?  Progressive mass widespread education is our only hope, and I think that though things look bleak, we will come around in a few decades.
However, if you think that this incident is a "suppression of women" issue, well it's not.  It's really a cultural problem rather than something to do with male dominance in the society.  Culturally, girls in India are net-receivers from their parents, and do not make good economical sense.  Even if they work, the money goes to her post-marital family. 
The funny part could start now.  Some global "so-called" NGOs will come in, and take up the fight on behalf of the aggreived women.  Well I am not saying the men haven't committed a crime.  But crime is generally the result of a circumstance.  And the stagnation of the Indian social development lies at the very root of this circumstance.  Punishing these men will be slicing the result and not the cause.
We need a more widespread mass education system, one that brings India out of the fatalistic belief system to an enlightened belief system.  We need educationists, not law makers or women rights groups.  Anyone hearing?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

With Sweden, the world comes a full circle

This year, the Swedish were deprived of their annual eye-candy. The feminists, banned Miss Sweden successfully.

The notable fact is, that they banned it quoting "Objectification of women" and "Treating women as sex objects". While in India, we consider beauty pageants as progress, and the opening up of the societal attitude towards women.

A couple of years ago, Miss Afghanistan took part in Miss Universe contest and this was highly acclaimed by the developing world as the new face of a progressive democratic Afghanistan, and the only ones who condemned this were the fanatic islamic clerics.

Isn't it funny that though different in nature, both the feminists and the fanatic clerics have talked about the same thing - a ban of beauty pageants?

I don't really think the pageants are all that bad myself. I wonder if any girl who won a title at one of these competitions, would not agree that it changed her life for the better, forever?

I personally think, all feminists are women who never made it to the pageant themselves. He he.

Just kidding there, but dont ya think the world doesnt really progress or regress, it just goes around in circles? In a few decades, maybe Afghanistan and India will too ban the very 'progressive' pageants in the name of feminist idelogies, and then maybe Sweden will start them all over again, and then... The saga goes on!!!!!!