Friday, September 11, 2009

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's Prayer before Landing in America (September 1965)

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), landed in America in 1965. He was not sponsored by any religious organizations, nor was he greeted by followers. He had embarked on that journey as guided by his Guru.

The wikipedia page on Swami Prabhupada summarizes his achievements in the final 12 years of his life, beginning since he landed in New York - without money or supporters (He came to New York with 8 dollars in his pocket):

  • Circled the globe fourteen times on lecture tours that took him to six continents
  • Directed the founding of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, which claims to be the world's largest publisher of ancient and classical Vaishnava religious texts
  • Authored more than eighty books on Vedantic philosophy, religion, literature and culture
  • Watched ISKCON grow to a confederation of more than 108 temples, various institutes and farm communities
Huh?!? Sounds like a feat doesn't it? In just 12 years, he went around the globe 14 times across 6 continents, authored 80 books, and influenced the construction of 108 temples in over 11 countries? Almost a supernatural feat.

But why I am writing about this, is because his prayer caught my notice. Some time ago, I was mired by my life situations. And I landed up at an ISKCON temple as if I was being guided there (I had never been to one before, or was never specifically a Krishna devotee). For the first time in my life, I prayed into submission. When I came across Prabhupada's prayer, the one he told Krishna right before he arrived in New York, it was for me a sense of deja vu. I don't feel competent to compare myself with Prabhupada yet, but it kinda makes me believe I'm on the right track.

... as he neared his destination on the ship, the Indian freighter Jaladuta, the enormity of his intended task weighed on him. On September 13, 1965 (Again unbelievably, Today - the day I chose to write about this prayer - is the eve of the 44th Anniversary of his prayer) he wrote in his diary, "Today I have disclosed my mind to my companion, Lord Sri Krishna."

Prabhupada's Prayer:

"I do not know why You have brought me here. Now You can do whatever You like with me. But I guess You have some business here, otherwise why would You bring me to this terrible place? How will I make them understand this message of Krishna consciousness? I am very unfortunate, unqualified and most fallen. Therefore I am seeking Your benediction so that I can convince them, for I am powerless to do so on my own."

Hare Krishna.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Best Definition of Non-Confirmism

This is, by far, the best definition of Non-Confirmism I have come across.  It is by a guy whose ideas I've really liked - Tim Ferriss.  Tim has a path breaking book called The Four Hour Work Week, and he talks about concepts such as mini-retirements, maximum work with minimum effort and living to realize dreams rather than living to work!  

I have usually been unable to explain to people what exactly I mean by non-confirmism; and that there is a certain logic to non-confirmism and it is not just for kicks.  Tim Ferriss does an excellent job of explaining it in his book, and I hand it over to him...
"Most people walk down the street on their legs.  Does that mean I walk down the street on my hands?  Do I wear my underwear outside of my pants in the name of being different?  Not usually, no.  Then again, walking on my legs and keeping my thong on the inside have worked just fine thus far.  I don't fix it if it isn't broken.  Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.  If everyone is defining a problem or solving it one way and the results are subpar, this is a good time to ask, What if I did the opposite?  Don't follow a model that doesn't work.  If the reciepe sucks, it doesn't matter how good a cook you are."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why Not I Sing...

Why not I sing the song
That lies in my heart,
So that I don't risk it remaining there;

Why not i sow the seed
That lies in my hand,
So that I don't risk it not germinating.

~ Rabindranath Tagore

I think Rashmi found this translated poem somewhere and shared it with us... the words continue to tinker my heart; just like most of Tagore does.