Saturday, December 31, 2005

A bag of mixed feelings...


Each year passing by, comes as a bag of mixed feelings. An end and a beginning, a point where I will never return ever again. Where the whole humanity will never return ever again.

So many things have happened in the last year, and so many didn't. So many things will happen in the next year, and so many won't. This contrast and anticipation is a mixture that brews a feeling called hope.

"Life can be boiled down to one single element - Hope".
Haven't you heard.. all good things in life come free? Hope is free too.. But then, so is despair.

I hope that you will hope today, for a wonderful 2006, making it the best calender year of your life ever. When you may write your autobiography a decade from now, I hope 2006 will be a year you will have to devote an entire chapter to.

So if your life's not feeling too good, cheer up, there's hope! and if it's already feeling good, have hope, its just gonna get better!!!

Lets spend the first day of the new year with a HOPE Paper instead of a News Paper (the messenger of despair). Let's wake up to new, better and revived life.

Wishing you a great new year filled with all the goodies you ever wanted,

Phalgun Kumar.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Take Me On Your Mighty Wings

Mighty Wings – Top Gun

Its just a ball of dust underneath my feet
It rolls around the sun, doesn't mean that much to me
Take a chance on the edge of life just like all the rest
I look inside to dig it out cuz theres no points for second best

There's a raging fire in my heart tonight
Growing higher and higher in my soul
There's a raging fire in the sky tonight

Take me on your mighty wings tonight

Couldn’t be a better description of how I feel today.
O Life! Take me on your mighty wings, tonight!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

How safe is "cloned" consumption?

US administration may allow cloned milk and meat for human consumption

Jumping to conclusions is a folly.  Just 4 years of research and conclusion that cloned food is okay for human consumption, sounds like an extreme case of jumping the gun.

We know too little about cloning to judge its long term effects on human body and mind.  The current environment, which has anyways led to a flurry of carcinogens in the atmosphere, is bad enough.  We are still grappling with issues such as the use of pesticides and hormonal injections.  Even after decades of research, there is no conclusive evidence to make a confident decision on their effect on humans.  

Cloning is still in its experimental stage.  We hardly know enough about cloning to know about its after effects.  To say, cloning is newer than mobile phones, and we are still trying to understand if the mobile waves can cause brain tumor.  I personally would not want to put anything inside my body that is genetically modified and hails from the realm of the unknown.  Human life is the most precious, but more precious, is human health.  

Would you like to eat an experiment?  I refuse to be made a guinea pig of scientific “jumped” conclusions.

Should teacher-student relationships be allowed on campus?

Should Student-Teacher Affairs be permitted on campus?

This has turned into such a global debate.  Some studies from people like Pat Sikes even claim that an erotic charge in a teacher leads to better learning.  I am not sure how much the studies are true, but as a firm defender of individual rights, I opine that student-teacher affairs should be permitted on campus.

It’s partly true that a teacher is in a position to take undue advantage of students on campus due to their position.  Even law has identified teacher-student relationship as one where undue advantage could exist and any acts committed on recommendation of the teacher may not be fully consensual by the student.  

However, when the issue is looked at as a whole with full spotlight rather than in bits and pieces, the justice seems to be in allowing these relationships to happen.  

Individual rights, the mark of the 21st century, not only consist of freedom of speech, religion, travel and vote.  They carry onto mean that a person is free to believe and act as per his/her wishes, as long as he/she is not jeopardizing that which does not belong to him.  This also means that a person is free to choose a sexual or romantic partner.  

Imposing rules as to who can have an affair with whom, is like creating a whole new caste system within the society.  At a time when the older civilizations are finally being groomed by western concepts to let go of racial or caste based boundaries, here we are creating them all over again.  The American universities that fire professors for having affairs with their students, are breaching the basic tenets on which the constitution of the country is based upon.  They are also indirectly saying that they neither have faith in the character of their professors, nor in the law of the land.  Hence, this raises another question.. if the American education system has lost trust in the character of their teachers, what are we expecting them to teach the students?  And if we in the east blindly follow what a few American universities have decreed for their educators, are we also saying that we do not trust the character of the teachers within our system?  If so, why are we allowing them to teach and guide our nation?

Saturday, November 05, 2005

France riots 2005 - a beginning of a new Dark Age?

Gosh! Looks like a scene out of a Hollywood blockbuster doesn’t it?

But this is true, its happening, and its happening in the place almost every human drools for.. the heart of Europe, France!

Honestly, if it were a picture out of Asia or S. America or something, this wouldn’t even have made international news. But it happening in one of the Veto nations, has its own aftershocks across the planet.

Immigration is an interesting proposition staring the world in its face. And especially Muslim immigration. In France too, it’s the North African Arab population that’s being blamed.

I am unable to understand the game. Is it the whites vs. the blacks? Or the whites vs. the immigrants? Or the whites vs. the blacks vs. the browns vs. the Asians? Or is it Christians vs. the Muslims and at times, other religions? Oh boy the world seems to be more complicated than it ever was. The lines between friends and enemies is blurred beyond recognition. As much as I hate “ghettoism” and segregations based on race, community or religion, I guess free thinkers like me are going to have a difficult time in the near future. Simply because, the 21st century is proving to be a radical thought driven century.

I fear. I fear because this time, the western world is facing the brunt. I have always been an admirer of the western world. Notwithstanding that they made colonies and looted countries in the past, it is the west that has given the values of equality, liberty and individual freedom. I shudder to consider a life in the dark ages. The west stands as a shining example of what the world can become, and has always striven to become. An attack on the west, a depletion in their forces, spells doom.

I wonder who will dominate after the west is depleted. Radical religious forces? Freedom hating communists? Monarchs? Democracy, freedom of speech, freedom to travel and indulge in business, equal justice, a “servant” government rather than a “ruler” government… all the new age adages will be thrown in the trash bin.

Is the fall of the west, the mark of the entry of the dark ages?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Free Orkut & Gmail Invites !!!

Do you need an Orkut invite? Or a Gmail invite???

Let me know on :

nonconfirmist at gmail dot com

I will try to send you an invite as long as I have it.


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Erotic Chat a Ground for Divorce?

A recent ruling in a Belgian Court:

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Erotic talk with a virtual partner in chatrooms on the Internet are enough grounds for a spouse to file for divorce, a legal magazine said Wednesday, citing a recent ruling in Belgium.

Belgian legal publication De Juristenkrant said the Brussels Appeals Court ruled that although transcripts of the erotic chatroom conversation do not prove adultery, they do constitute proof of "grossly insulting behavior" which is sufficient grounds to file for divorce.

My reply on the yahoo news message board:

Erotic talks are just a simple form of sexual expression. Talking about sex with an anonymous stranger online, is hardly even in the same vicinity as adultery!

Online sex is an interesting thing. It finally leads to nothing much but self pleasure. I may be allowed to term it as an "interactive mas***bation", as compared to the monologue fantasising version.

Online erotic talks have helped me explore a lot of my own fantasies and kinks that I usually wouldn't have dared to discuss with people around me. I have personally learnt a lot about sex, foreplay and safety by chatting online.

Unless an individual tries to convert these fantasies into reality, there is no real harm in online erotic chatting. Rather, it usually means that the sex life is not as fulfilling as a partner wants it to be, and its and issue of concern that can be discussed out between the partners, and they can try to add the missing pieces. We all differ in our fantasies but we may be able to satisfy our partner by learning more about them and vice-versa.

Looking at it from a social science point of view, isn't it funny that almost every day we are able to find one new ground for divorce, where as we are unable to add any new ground for remaining married? Marriage requires work, compromise and adjustment.

Honestly, a person is lying if he/she says that they have never thought about any one else other than their partner. Every man has cheated on his wife with Pamela Anderson or Angelina Jolie, and every woman has cheated on her husband with Tom Cruise or Enrique Iglesias.

An erotic chat, is simply an extension of fantasy. If taken in the right manner, it can lead to a greater understanding and satisfaction between partners.

Let us try to treat it in the right manner.


Link to my Yahoo news board message posting: =37447040&mid=466

Friday, August 05, 2005

My life in USA

Well, considering this blog hasn't been updated recently (Excuse: no time & all work... REAL Reason: monsoon laziness), here's a link to the blog I maintained during my USA trip.. its fun to read!

Friday, July 08, 2005

This Man Will Do Anything For A Man...

A man chopped off his wife's nose (ouuuuchh!) coz she was pregnant with a girl child yet again!  Another one shot a bullet in his wife's stomach for a 3rd pregnancy, again with a girl child.  Uttar Pradesh (north Indian state) does it again!!  I wonder when will these states grow out of their ignorances and step to face reality.
You know, it is the man that's gene is responsible for the child being a girl or a boy.  But in a land where a man thinks a kangaroo must be some kind of a song, what do you expect?  Progressive mass widespread education is our only hope, and I think that though things look bleak, we will come around in a few decades.
However, if you think that this incident is a "suppression of women" issue, well it's not.  It's really a cultural problem rather than something to do with male dominance in the society.  Culturally, girls in India are net-receivers from their parents, and do not make good economical sense.  Even if they work, the money goes to her post-marital family. 
The funny part could start now.  Some global "so-called" NGOs will come in, and take up the fight on behalf of the aggreived women.  Well I am not saying the men haven't committed a crime.  But crime is generally the result of a circumstance.  And the stagnation of the Indian social development lies at the very root of this circumstance.  Punishing these men will be slicing the result and not the cause.
We need a more widespread mass education system, one that brings India out of the fatalistic belief system to an enlightened belief system.  We need educationists, not law makers or women rights groups.  Anyone hearing?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

With Sweden, the world comes a full circle

This year, the Swedish were deprived of their annual eye-candy. The feminists, banned Miss Sweden successfully.

The notable fact is, that they banned it quoting "Objectification of women" and "Treating women as sex objects". While in India, we consider beauty pageants as progress, and the opening up of the societal attitude towards women.

A couple of years ago, Miss Afghanistan took part in Miss Universe contest and this was highly acclaimed by the developing world as the new face of a progressive democratic Afghanistan, and the only ones who condemned this were the fanatic islamic clerics.

Isn't it funny that though different in nature, both the feminists and the fanatic clerics have talked about the same thing - a ban of beauty pageants?

I don't really think the pageants are all that bad myself. I wonder if any girl who won a title at one of these competitions, would not agree that it changed her life for the better, forever?

I personally think, all feminists are women who never made it to the pageant themselves. He he.

Just kidding there, but dont ya think the world doesnt really progress or regress, it just goes around in circles? In a few decades, maybe Afghanistan and India will too ban the very 'progressive' pageants in the name of feminist idelogies, and then maybe Sweden will start them all over again, and then... The saga goes on!!!!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Moo-vies in Bollywood.. YAWN...

Indian film industry proves size DOES NOT matter. Bollywood makes the highest number of movies in the world per annum, and an equally large number of stupid movies.

Even movies which are a hit, are generally the sob sob melodrama stuff which is even more unbearable than watching a Chinese soap in Chinese!

Its been years since I dared to spend money on watching a Hindi movie. Years! I mean it!!
The recent release of Tango Charlie followed by Kaal proves that something's terribly wrong somewhere. Is it that the movie makers have decided in unison to make worthless after worthless non-entertaining movies?

And please ask them to not blame the audience. The standard defence is "The audience didn't understand". I mean, the poor audience spent hard-earned money to go watch the movie for entertainment, and it must have surely tried to understand and make sense and enjoy.

Also, there's this 'item' song which is thrown in and is expected to make the movie a hit. This is the same like expecting a beautiful menu to bring in customers instead of delicious food.

As a movie buff, I am seriously greatly disappointed.

Where's the GOOD STUFF in show biz gone??

Indeed, a beginning

Its interesting to live in India. Its even more interesting to see the world, and then again live in India. This large land of contrasts, cultures and mystery is like a rainbow whose colours have been smeared together, but the arch still remains.

A land where a mercedes and an elephant use the same road in a city of over 5 million even today, is the land I come from.

I love the country for a lot of things, and I dislike or even hate it for a lot of things as well. This blog is my dedication of penning down my observations and recording a journal of the opportunity I have given.. to be an Indian and live in India.

A little about me.. I am 26 when I am starting this blog, have recently started a business consisting of recruitment and immigration consultancy, am single, have traveled to USA and Kazakhstan, and stand on the threshold of a horizon that lies interestingly shrouded in mystery.

My urge to write, combined with my urge to share, has finally allowed this blog to see the light of the day. I hope this blog serves a purpose.
